Supercharge your Hydration with Electrolytes

electrolyte water benefits

What are Electrolytes?

You’ve heard about electrolytes in popular sports beverages, but have you ever known exactly what they are? Electrolytes are minerals that conduct electricity when they dissolve in water. Popular electrolytes include sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium and calcium.

When you sip on electrolyte water, those charged up minerals distribute throughout your body and use their energy to facilitate important bodily functions, including:

  • Balancing the fluids in the body

  • Moving nutrients into your cells and waste out of your cells

  • Regulating blood pressure

  • Helping the nerves, muscles, heart, and brain function properly

  • Maintaining correct blood pH

That’s a lot of work for a few minerals!


Benefits of Electrolyte Water

electrolytes and exercise

Electrify Your Exercise

During intense exercise, hydration is extra important for your body to replace the water lost to sweat. If you don’t actively re-hydrate, you’ll quickly notice a decline in the quality of your workout. In fact, a a water loss of as little as 1-2% of your body weight can lead to decreased strength, speed and focus.

While you’re breaking a sweat, you’re also breaking up with important electrolytes hidden in your perspiration. Sweat contains a significant amount of sodium and also packs in magnesium, calcium and potassium. Remember, electrolytes do wonders for helping your muscles, (including your heart,) work properly!

Fuel up with electrolyte water to replenish fluids, boost energy and optimize your workout.

Sickness and Electrolytes

Kick Sickness to the Curb with Electrolytes

Feeling under the weather? A glass of electrolyte water might be just what the doctor ordered! When flu season gets the best of you, vomiting or other nasty symptoms can quickly lead to dehydration if fluids are not replenished.

Dehydration can cause symptoms like exhaustion, dizziness, headaches, weak muscles and other negative side effects that prevent you from getting better faster.

Start sipping electrolyte water at the first sign of sickness to equip your body to fight off the infection and get healthy!

Electrolytes vs regular water

Electrolytes vs. Regular Water

Whether it’s spring, sparkling or still, water is a key player in our body’s health. Over half our body weight is made up of water, which is why it’s so important to stay hydrated.

Day-to-day, water helps our bodies remove waste, absorb nutrients, regulate temperature, aid digestion and so much more. So if regular water is already such a superstar, when is it necessary to turn to electrolyte water?

Electrolyte water = water with superpowers. Though regular water is sufficient to meet your hydration needs, a boost of electrolytes can help your body recover faster and perform better in extreme conditions. Whether you’re hitting the gym for a hard-core sweat sesh or heating up with outdoor cardio, we recommend ProGlow ELECTRIFY electrolyte powder to keep your body energized and in check.

Get 20% off proglow electrify with promo code ‘electric’

Now through July 7th, supercharge your hydration and savings with 20% off ProGlow’s ELECTRIFY electrolyte powder!