Benefits of Laser Foot Scanning
Finding balance for your body
Did you know that the average American takes about 5,120 steps each day? Walking, jumping and moving are important aspects for health and vitality, however people on the go who experience foot imbalances can often also experience pain in other areas of the body.
The American Podiatric Association has reported that at least 75 percent of Americans will experience foot-related health problems in their lifetime. Imbalance that is left untreated can cause other areas in the body to overcompensate, affecting the back, knees and hips.
What is Laser Foot Scanning?
Laser foot scanning is an advanced technology that provides a detailed image of the feet. This image gives the chiropractor a full and clear view of a patient’s postural health, which is an important factor toward overall health and function of the rest of the body. These laser foot scans are extremely accurate and can immediately reveal an unknown imbalance in the feet. Just moments after having a laser foot scanning completed, a skilled chiropractor can determine why pain is being experienced and how to solve it.
Case Example:
If one of the foot’s arches is collapsed, that same leg will internally rotate and put stress on the knees, hips and pelvis. This will cause chronic pain in any or all of these areas overtime due to an unbalanced arch in the foot. This can also result in someone becoming prone to injury. Luckily, laser foot scanning and structural posture checks that are done periodically can prevent potential for long-term injury by catching and correcting imbalance before other areas of the body do.
Common Issues & Solutions:
Some common issues that can arise due to untreated foot imbalances includes hip and knee pain, shin splints, ankle sprains, hallux valgus (bunions), fractures in toes, calluses, lower back pain and Achilles tendinitis. Regular laser foot scanning and structural posture checks will prevent further deterioration throughout the whole body.
Once an imbalance is determined, a solution may be presented by your doctor, and may involve specialized orthotics, physical therapy or other methods of correction.
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