Cold Laser Therapy
Cold laser therapy is a medical procedure used for treating pain, inflammation, and restoring normal body functions. To help you understand how this therapy works, first you must know that the word laser represents the acronym for the Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Namely, cold laser therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy, is a treatment that works based on low levels of light. It is called cold since the levels of light used for the treatment aren’t high enough for heating the tissue.
In simple terms, the small emissions of light coming from a laser stimulate cellular growth and reproduction by penetrating deep into the body cells. We are talking about handheld devices usually no bigger than a flashlight.
A cold laser expert positions the device over the target area and holds it there for a minimum of 30 seconds. The bigger an injury is, the longer the laser light should be directed towards it. The light passes through all the skin layers and tissues and penetrates up to five centimeters under the skin.
The procedure is non-invasive and painless, and the staff at the Higher Health Spine and Sport is well trained to perform the procedure flawlessly.
How Long Does the Cold Laser Therapy Take?
The therapy itself is nothing you should be worried about. The whole process lasts only several minutes per session and patients can’t even feel that something is being done during the treatment. What is more, the majority of them claim that the pain is relieved after only a couple of treatments. However, for permanent results, the treatment should sometimes be repeated up to a dozen times.
Who Can Benefit From Cold Laser Treatment?
The cold laser treatment can be used for any cell type, including nerves, ligaments, muscles, and more. Consequently, the therapy can be beneficial for patients suffering from various health problems such as:
Different types of acute and chronic pain
Sprains and strains
Tennis elbow
Skin conditions
Postsurgical pain
Sport injuries
Of course, these are only some of the conditions that can be treated with cold laser therapy. By visiting the Higher Health Spine and Sport, you will be examined by some of the finest experts in this niche who will prescribe you cold laser therapy if you are a good candidate for it.
Advantages of Cold Laser Therapy
Patients facing various health issues often visit us and look for the right treatment. Everyone who has tried the cold laser therapy has kept coming back for more as the procedure proved beneficial on several levels.
When asked why this treatment is the one they always go back to, the majority of patients mentioned at least one of the following benefits:
The treatment is absolutely pain-free, non-invasive, and non-toxic
It doesn’t require any additional drugs or a recovery period
A great alternative to previous unsuccessful therapies
The process is quick and takes only a few minutes per session
Serves as prevention and often eliminates the need for surgical intervention
Instead of temporarily blocking the pain, the treatment focuses on healing the underlying cause of the problem
There are no known side effects.
Why Is Higher Health Spine & Sport the Best Choice?
Cold lasers have been used to heal pain and inflammation for years now, and almost every medical institution offers some sort of cold laser treatment in Bellevue. That’s why we are glad to see you on our page and want to do our best to make sure you’ll get everything you’re looking for.
In order to do so, we will start by introducing our team members and everything they do to help you stay perfectly healthy in the upcoming years.
First of all, all the employees at the Higher Health Spine and Sport are the best at what they do. We’re not only talking about their education — we are also talking about their devotion and passion to provide the best service to every patient that asks for their help.
Each and every team member is well-trained to conduct a detailed assessment of a patient and perform the cold laser treatment the right way. Our methods are backed by science and various studies, and you can rest assured everything we do is for your best interest.
In case you are not a candidate for cold laser therapy, our experts at Higher Health Spine & Sport will help you choose another treatment to successfully solve your problem. Most importantly, the details about all the procedures you undertake will be noted in your file, so everyone will be informed about your treatment history and your healing process development.
In case you have any further questions, we look forward to answering them. You can contact us by phone, send us a message, or come visit us and see for yourself why we are one of the most sought-after institutions for various medical treatments in the area.
So far, we’ve helped hundreds of people get rid of pain and get back to their everyday activities with ease. Therefore, it would be our pleasure to see a smile on your face once our staff welcomes you and provides all the care you need!