How To Stay Healthy On Thanksgiving


Bellevue Chiropractic Promotions for Wellness Holidays

A holiday that can be intimidating for people who care about their health. Understandably, the average American consumes 3,000 to 4,000 calories when eating Thanksgiving! However, you can enjoy the holidays while maintaining confidence in Black Friday. Dr. Pauline Haugen, a renowned chiropractor and health specialist at Bellevue, has a master plan for enjoying the day with these 7 tips.

An exercise

A bunch of apple pie done with a good workout on Thanksgiving morning. Turkey Trot events are held in many communities, which often benefit a local charity. What a great way to thank you by burning calories! Are you local in the Bellevue area? Check out these regional races around the holiday. If you want to make sure that every last piece of mashed potato is after Turkey Day, look at the weekly training regimen.

Eat a healthy breakfast

It is a common misconception that fasting before the big meal will help lower your caloric intake. By skipping out on morning nourishment, you increase the odds that you will overeat at dinnertime. Instead, start your day with a lean, protein-rich meal

meal. This healthy foundation will jumpstart your metabolism and fight against unhealthy cravings as the day goes on.

Bring A Dish

You should never arrive at a gathering empty-handed, especially when you are trying to cut calories. Ensure there is at least one healthy option at the dinner table by making it yourself. Chances are, fellow guests will welcome a lighter option among the rich dishes and appreciate your unique contribution. 

Portion Control

When it comes time to sit down for the main course, choose a smaller plate. Minimize potential serving sizes while evoking the visual satisfaction of a full plate in front of you. Slow down while eating to savor every bite and allow digestion to begin. When you finish up, opt out of helping yourself to seconds. Instead, take the opportunity to enjoy the meal at a later date and bring some leftovers home with you. 

Drink Water

Staying hydrated can help detox your body, boost metabolism and allow you to feel satisfied quicker when eating. Make sure too many glasses of wine doesn’t compromise your self-control by sipping a cup of water in between alcoholic beverages. Cut calories and experiment with some creative water-based beverages


Sometimes your body needs a little help removing toxins after a rich meal. This is especially important if your diet typically consists of cleaner alternatives. Jumpstart the healing process with a probiotic. Maximize your results and choose an option that doesn’t contain GMOs, artificial colors, artificial sweeteners or artificial preservatives, such as Pro-Glow Balance or Pro-Glow Max Balance.

Reduce Stress

Holiday preparations often trigger stressors that can negatively impact your health and take away from your overall enjoyment of the day. Maintaining a state of heightened stress can actually cause you to overeat as well! Make sure to take some time for yourself and relax this Thanksgiving. Remember to focus more on enjoying time with loved ones and less on minute details. 

Boost Your Metabolism with Chiropractic Care

Did you know that chiropractic care can help boost your metabolism? Aid your body in shedding the extra holiday calories by seeking assistance from a professional. Look no further for chiropractic care in Bellevue than Higher Health Spine and Sport. Start your journey towards feeling your best with a FREE consultation when you book an appointment at Higher Health today!