How Smartphones Cause Neck Pain

Smartphones Neck Pain

Why your phone is a pain in the neck

Are you reading this blog post on a smartphone? With the average American spending 5.4 hours a day on their phone, chances are high that you are. Specifically, millennials spend roughly 5.7 hours on their phones per day, while baby boomers average closer to 5 hours per day. The smartphone addiction spans generations, making hand-held devices an iconic staple in today’s world. While they help us connect with loved ones, check the news and even navigate from Point A to Point B, is there a dark side to smartphones?


How Your Smartphone Causes Neck Pain

Think of your normal position when scrolling an Insta-feed. Are your shoulders hunched? Is your head down causing a bend in your neck? One of the main reasons smartphone usage causes neck pain is the very position we assume when checking the phone.

The average human head weighs 10 pounds when held in a neutral position (with your ears over your shoulder.) For every inch you head tilts forward, the pressure on your spine doubles. Over time, this pressure leads to over-stretching and inflammation of the muscles. Ouch!

While holding your phone at eye level and keeping your head straight might feel silly, we can assure you, your body will be thankful!

What are the long term effects going to be?

“Forward head posture” or “text neck” can have long-term negative effects. Staying hunched over your smartphone consistently can lead to muscle strain, disc herniation and pinched nerves. Over time, this position can even completely alter the natural curve of your neck!

4 Ways to Avoid Neck Pain

Take care of yourself now to reduce pain and eliminate long-term health problems. Check out our tips on protecting your spine from typical smartphone ailments.

  1. Look Straight. As we said before, holding you phone at eye level can make all the difference for your neck. Instead of straining to see a phone on your lap, holding it at eye level reduces the bend in your neck and minimizes the pressure on your spine.

  2. Check Your Posture. It’s easy to forget about proper posture when you are lounging and scrolling through your text messages. Remember to check in with your posture and be aware of where your head is in space. If you have to work or spend a long amount of time on your smartphone, sit in a supportive chair you can rest your arms on and keep your spine upright.

  3. Take a Break. If you notice you have been spending a long time on your device, give yourself the opportunity to take a break and do some small stretching. 

Got Neck pain?

If you spend a lot of time on your smartphone or computer and notice consistent neck pain, Higher Health is here to help. Regular chiropractic adjustments can help reverse the effects of forward head posture. Book an appointment with us today!