5 Stretches for Office Workers

stretches for office workers

Get Moving With Easy Ergonomic Stretches For Office Workers

Why are stretches for office workers so beneficial? Are you ever painfully stiff after a long day of working in the office? Whether you feel it or not, sitting at a desk for long hours every week is having a huge impact on your body. If you remain in any one position for too long, your muscles begin to tense up. Taking time to stretch throughout the day is a beneficial way to maintain proper alignment of your spine. If you suffer from headaches, fatigue, sinus pressure, tingling in your extremities, or dizziness, a great first step towards relief is developing a good routine using the following stretching exercises for office workers:


Neck Stretch

neck stretch

This movement will allow your spine to fall into its neutral position. For the duration of the activity, you will be correcting bad posture that tends to naturally form throughout the day.

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and keep your feet flat on the floor.

  2. Pull your chin towards the ground as if you are trying to make a double chin.

  3. Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds and then repeat 10 times.


Cervical Extensor Stretch

stretches for office workers cervical extensor

Feel the tension residing in the base of your skull leave through your shoulders and possibly even fingertips as you go through these steps. This is a useful tool when searching for natural headache relief.

  1. Tilt your head to one side and bring your ear as close to your shoulder as possible.

  2. Take your opposite arm and apply gentle pressure to the side of your head that is facing the ceiling.

  3. Hold this position for 10 seconds and then repeat on the opposite side.

An additional option is leaning your head forward and putting pressure on the back of your skull with both hands.


Hovering Leg Raise

Strengthen your core to help maintain good posture and alleviate discomfort. Doing leg raises can also help boost self-confidence as you begin to hold yourself in a manner optimal for health and appearance.

  1. Sit upright in your chair

  2. Raise both legs so they are parallel to the floor.

  3. Begin to lower your legs until they are about an inch off the floor.

  4. Hold this position for as long as possible and then release,

Repeat 5 times.


Lower Back Stretch

lower back stretch for office workers

Bad posture and slouching can put a strain on your lower back. Use these movements to reverse the effects of an overstretched spine

  1. Bring yourself to a forward seated position.

  2. Keep your back straight as you bring one knee to your chest.

  3. Place your hand on the back of your thigh and gently pull towards your body.

  4. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

  5. Return to the starting position and repeat with your other leg.


Wrist Stretch


Spending all day on the computer can cause uncomfortable sensations or even stiffness in the wrist and fingers. Although basic, this is an effective method to provide relief to the strained area.

  1. Stand in front of your desk or any waist-height flat surface.

  2. Place your wrist on the desk and position them facing away from you.

  3. Apply pressure until you feel the stretch and then hold for 10 to 15 seconds.

  4. Follow-up with wrist circles.

plan a visit to the chiropractor

Although these stretches are an amazing way to keep proactive when striving to feel your best, sometimes a visit to the chiropractor is necessary. Discomfort in your body may be a warning sign that there is a misalignment in your spine. Through services such as Ergowave roller therapy, spinal decompression therapy, and ACU Cupping, a professional can work with you to create a care plan. Pursuing consistent chiropractic care is an effective way to work with your body towards feeling the relief you deserve. Contact us for a professional chiropractor, or to find out more about stretches for office workers.
